Cantilever racking INTERCANT is an excellent way of storing long goods so as:
- bars
- profiles
- pipes
- plates…etc.
They are made of the galvanized sheeting cold-rolled and of the black metal sheet painted (standard galvanized). The space between individual columns is dependent on the planned charge and the stiffness of stored elements. The height of shelves, the length of trusses and the hoisting capacity is being carried out according to wishing the customer. The system enables the regulation of the height of shoulders of the shelf. He can be supplemented by side leading the cart and filling up with the plate or metal panels what quickly will convert them into shelves racking.
- storing goods about the corner length
- the easiness and the speed of the assembly
- big system flexibility
- great endurance
Height - by 2000 mm up to 5000 mm (Possible up to 8000 mm )
Breadth - by 200 mm up to 400 mm Endurance
Brackets (arm)
Height - 86 mm and 180 mm
Length - by 500 mm up to 1800 mm (
Endurance: by 150 kg up to 1000 kg